Wibmo bolsters anti-fraud offering for Indian banks

Wibmo has expanded its anti-fraud solution to help bank customers safeguard their electronic payments services.

The digital payment authentication and security provider has launched Trident, a new fraud management system for digital payments. Trident is designed to replace eGuard, the company’s first-generation fraud prevention system in use by leading banks in India today, and is now live for FI customers in India.

Trident provides real-time fraud detection with a combination of rules-based approach and advanced analytics augmented with machine learning. It is designed to work across multiple channels, devices, and payment instruments. The solution profiles and scores each transaction in real-time based on point-in-time fraud trends and patterns, historical data, and customer behavior.

“Being offered in the industry as a low cost, best-of-breed capability, Trident leverages our longstanding insight into the payment security domain in India,” said company CEO Govind Setlur. “The experience with eGuard, which today secures millions of payment transactions at India’s leading banks, and the industry leadership in payment authentication has enabled us to launch an intelligent, low cost fraud management capability in Trident designed for emerging markets such as India,” he added.

Wibmo, which is based in the U.S. but identifies India as one of its top markets, is a technology and service provider for the financial services industry.

While the company is best known for its hosted risk-based authentication and payment security services, it provides solutions ranging from mobile payments, fraud and risk management, prepaid solutions and a host of merchant services.

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