Why integrity matters for a vendor

Why integrity matters for a vendor

With a market aflush with CLM solutions, the best way to stand out from the crowd is through integrity, RegTech platform iMeta Technology argues.

Financial institutions are spoiled for choice when it comes to picking a CLM space, but many vendors are offering strikingly similar solutions. Most solutions are only offering subtle differences to that of competitors.

The main thing financial institutions are looking for, iMeta explained, is a comprehensive solution that can manage end-to-end onboarding across multiple products and jurisdictions that ensures customers are onboarded quickly and accurately. However, most solutions are offering this.

What matters most is “whether you can trust your vendor to do the job in hand,” it said.

Due to some ‘not so successful as hoped projects’, iMeta stated that prospective buyers are now more cautious when buying a solution and ensuring it will actually deliver what it claims to do. As a result, they are really looking for trustworthiness, good communication, transparency, integrity, and customer support.

 iMeta prides itself on its integrity and wants its customers to succeed. Its CLM solution supports onboarding of multiple products, and complex UBO hierarchies and holdings across borders, as well as much more.

“Firms can ensure that they can manage their KYC and AML compliance obligations whilst delivering a great customer experience from day one,” it said.

iMeta also stated that it has never failed projects and strives to build long lasting relationships with its clients. Its pre-sales, sales, delivery and support teams work closely together internally and with clients so there is never any miscommunication or understanding of what the platform can really achieve.

iMeta recently released a report as to why collaborating with customers helped a company to better differentiate itself from competition. It covers the role of customer collaboration and its role in improving the customer journey.

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