Tags Ransomware

Tag: ransomware

The coronavirus represents a “return to chaos” that could benefit FinTech...

From: FinTech Global COVID-19 has plunged financial markets into chaos, but the pandemic also represents both challenges and opportunities for FinTech and RegTech companies as...

Social engineering attacks are hackers’ preferred method to get access to...

Hackers prefer social engineering attacks and are more interested in using ransomware than stealing payment data, according to new research from Trustwave, the cybersecurity company.

Corvus Insurance releases new ransomware calculator tool

Corvus Insurance, which helps commercial insurance brokers and policyholders better mitigate risk, has released its new Ransomware Business Interruption (BI) Calculator.

KYND provides free cyber risks reports to businesses fighting cyber criminals...

Cybersecurity firm KYND has become the latest company to provide its services for free to help others through the coronavirus crisis.

Finastra’s systems are back online after Friday’s ransomware attack

London-based FinTech company Finastra took down some of its services over the weekend after noticing a hack attack. Now, parts of the services are reportedly back online.

Hacking more frequently used than malware in cyberattacks in 2019

Cybercriminals seem to favour new spins on the old school hacking methods over using malware, according to new report from CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity firm that recently partnered with eSentire.

E-commerce to drive cybersecurity market to be worth $281.74bn by 2027

The cybersecurity market is expected to grow considerably in the years to come, with e-commerce driving the growth.

New UK court ruling classifies bitcoin as a legal property

Cryptocurrencies are still reasonably new, meaning that every legal aspect of it is still not 100% clear. Yet, a new case might help shed some light.

30 million payment cards could have been compromised in Wawa breach

Wawa revealed in December that payment data on the customers who visited the US retailer’s 850 locations could have been compromised in a hack.

Travelex’s offerings are finally back online after almost a months’ outage...

Travelex’s foreign exchange services were crippled on New Year’s Eve when the company discovered a ransomware in its system.

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