How new regulations and tech are shaping financial crime compliance


The landscape of financial crime compliance is rapidly transforming. Amidst political upheavals and technological advancements, the cost of compliance has become an integral part of business operations.

Traditional systems are struggling to keep up with market changes, prompting a shift towards more modern solutions, claims RegTech firm Napier AI.

Neobanks and FinTech companies are at the forefront, adopting cutting-edge technologies to stay competitive against traditional financial service providers who are now feeling the pinch. In 2024, global regulators are zeroing in on the challenges posed by digital currencies, with a pivot towards artificial intelligence issues expected in 2025. This period marks a critical time for adapting to evolving compliance requirements.

Significant regulatory updates have been pivotal in progressing financial crime compliance. The EU AI Act, slated for enforcement in 2025, is set to revolutionize the use of AI, emphasizing transparency and ethics in Europe. This act will likely enhance AI deployment in financial crime compliance, ensuring that new technologies align with regulatory standards.

Simultaneously, the EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), effective from January 2025, focuses on bolstering IT security across financial and insurance entities. This legislation aims to mitigate IT-related risks, such as those from cyber-attacks, through improved information sharing and heightened digital resilience.

Recent sanctions against Russia have catalyzed new regulatory directives in the EU and the US, tightening compliance mandates. The EU has introduced stringent penalties for sanction breaches, including possible imprisonment. As these rules extend across all EU member states, companies must rigorously ensure their compliance.

In the US, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is actively refining sanction effectiveness, highlighting the need for robust entity screening mechanisms to maintain compliance.

Looking ahead, transaction monitoring is becoming crucial. While many institutions have refined their Know Your Customer (KYC) processes, monitoring transactions presents new challenges due to its complexity. Advancements in AI and the development of a comprehensive typology library are essential for navigating these complexities.

Regulatory sandboxes have proven vital for fostering innovation, with countries like Spain, the UK, and Singapore leading initiatives that refine regulated data sets for financial crime typologies. Generative AI is also emerging as a pivotal technology, although it requires significant levels of data reliability and explainability.

Collaboration between the private and public sectors is anticipated to intensify, particularly in Australia where banks are exploring the use of generative AI to combat financial crime. However, data laws currently restrict full implementation.

There’s a strong call for better coordination and data sharing to enhance the detection and prevention of new financial crime methods. Although increased collaboration has been a long-standing discussion, substantial regulatory adjustments are needed to facilitate and encourage these partnerships.

As the financial sector navigates through rapid technological progress and stringent regulatory demands, embracing innovation is crucial. By leveraging new technologies, financial institutions can not only meet compliance demands but also drive the sector towards a new era of transparency and resilience.

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