Why you should trial FullCircl

Businesses today face a range of challenges that can hinder growth and efficiency. From managing vast amounts of data to ensuring regulatory compliance, organisations are under constant pressure to streamline operations, enhance client onboarding, and optimise workflows. On top of this, achieving scalability while maintaining high-quality client experiences and hitting key performance indicators (KPIs) adds to the complexity. Many firms struggle to find a solution that can integrate seamlessly with their existing systems and provide measurable returns on investment. That’s where FullCircl can help.

FullCircl is a cutting-edge platform designed to support financially regulated businesses in streamlining their customer acquisition, onboarding, and account management processes.

Specialising in real-time data solutions, FullCircl provides businesses with an integrated view of customers and entities, helping them make informed decisions and reduce the friction in key operations.

Unlike traditional systems that rely on static customer information, FullCircl combines advanced data ingestion, validation, and augmentation with real-time news and insights.

This dynamic approach allows businesses to automate crucial processes such as data collection and compliance checks, while also ensuring they can confidently target the right customers. Delivered through a user-friendly web app or API, FullCircl equips organisations with the tools to act quickly, improving both customer onboarding and retention.

Evaluating FullCircl is a valuable step for any business considering improving its operational efficiency and gaining a competitive edge. By trialling the platform, you’ll experience first-hand how it can transform your workflow, enhance data quality, and support your business in a low-risk environment.

A FullCircl trial gives you the chance to see its capabilities in action, helping minimise risks and secure buy-in from key stakeholders, especially at the c-suite level.

The trial allows you to assess how FullCircl will impact your organisation. From streamlining your operations to ensuring your team can hit key performance indicators (KPIs), the evaluation provides a realistic measure of the platform’s value.

During the trial, you can test the strength of FullCircl’s data coverage, its ability to integrate into your workflows, and how effectively it scales to meet future business demands. Additionally, a trial helps you evaluate key metrics like ROI, workflow efficiency, and overall time savings.

Beyond these operational benefits, a FullCircl trial is designed to provide your business with tangible results, proving the platform’s value in real-world scenarios.

This includes the ability to gather crucial user experience feedback, allowing you to make any necessary adjustments before fully committing to the platform. Testing FullCircl also gives you insight into the scalability of the solution and how it will evolve with your business over time. The evaluation becomes a way to forecast your future state with FullCircl and understand how it can help you maintain a competitive advantage.

By working closely with you during the evaluation, FullCircl can better understand your business’s unique requirements and ensure the solution is tailored to meet your goals. Whether it’s building custom workflows or integrating specific features, the trial helps FullCircl create a solution that aligns with your long-term objectives.

So, what does an evaluation look like with FullCircl?

The process is structured to ensure that it meets your specific needs. FullCircl offers multiple options, including a 4-week pilot, 6-week provisional access, 4-week API trial, and identity solutions trial. All these trials are designed to deliver a comprehensive experience that allows you to test the integration, gather quantifiable results, and determine the solution’s effectiveness.

Before the trial begins, a pre-evaluation stage sets the foundation for success. FullCircl works with your team to define what you want to achieve and establish clear success criteria. These discussions help determine the scope of the trial, the features to be tested, stakeholder involvement, KPIs, and other critical factors. This step ensures that all parties are aligned before the trial launches.

Once the pre-evaluation is complete, FullCircl provides launch training to ensure all stakeholders are familiar with the platform’s functionality.

This training session is interactive and hands-on, designed to ensure everyone is comfortable using the platform before the trial begins.

During the trial, FullCircl closely monitors performance and usage data, regularly engaging with users to collect feedback and measure the platform’s success against your predefined goals. A mid-point evaluation and ongoing communication help identify any potential areas for improvement, ensuring you get the most out of the trial.

The trial concludes with a wrap-up phase where FullCircl gathers feedback from users and stakeholders. A final quantitative assessment compares the trial’s results to the original goals, offering a clear picture of the platform’s value. This report will help you make an informed decision on whether to move forward with a full roll-out of FullCircl.

FullCircl’s evaluation process is backed by success stories across industries. For example, a leading digital-first bank achieved a 50% increase in time savings and a 5.1x ROI during their evaluation. Similarly, a tier one bank generated £250k in deal income, while a high street banking group saw application processing times reduced by 50%. These proven results highlight the significant value that FullCircl can bring to your business.

Time savings are another key outcome of a FullCircl trial. For example, processing financial information with FullCircl takes only nine minutes, compared to 23 minutes without it – a 60% time saving. Similar efficiency gains are seen across other data categories, such as news insights and credit data, underscoring FullCircl’s ability to streamline time-consuming processes.

How FullCircl has benefitted others

One notable case is that of Howden, a global insurance group that conducted a structured pilot of FullCircl’s SmartBroker platform. The pilot, which included API integration with the Acturis insurance platform, delivered impressive results in just three weeks.

Howden experienced a 34x ROI, including £2.6m from improved data quality and £2.9m from process efficiency savings. The pilot also identified £8.1m in new pipeline opportunities and £250k in sales capacity. Based on these outcomes, Howden rolled out FullCircl to over 2,000 users across its network.

Ultimately, trialling FullCircl is a smart investment in your business’s future. It allows you to thoroughly evaluate the platform in a controlled environment, giving you the insights you need to make confident, data-driven decisions. Whether you’re looking for a new vendor, aiming to streamline your technology stack, or seeking innovative solutions to stay ahead in a competitive market, a FullCircl trial provides the proof of value your business needs.

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