Tag: ComplianceAlpha
Enhancing regulatory compliance: The role of AI in modern surveillance systems
In the dynamic realm of regulatory compliance, traditional surveillance techniques are no longer sufficient. As regulatory frameworks evolve, adopting cutting-edge technologies is crucial for firms aiming to stay ahead.
Navigating cybersecurity and AML: Strategies for financial firms
Money laundering and financial crimes pose large risks to financial firms, both from a reputational and regulatory perspective. These criminal activities can manifest in...
Navigating the complexities of off-channel communications in finance
In recent years, off-channel communications have come under the intense scrutiny of regulators like the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). This scrutiny is largely due to the risks these unmonitored communications pose, ranging from compliance issues to gaps in record-keeping that can affect investor protection.
The essential guide to building a robust cybersecurity oversight program
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, traditional methods of portfolio oversight are increasingly inadequate against the mounting cyber threats. Recognising this shift, a strategic,...
Combating business email compromise: Strategies for financial firms
In the ever-evolving landscape of financial crimes, firms across the globe are grappling with the challenge of safeguarding their operations and reputation. Among the myriad of schemes that threaten the integrity of financial institutions, Business Email Compromise (BEC) stands out for its cunning simplicity and potentially devastating impact.