OIX urges UK government to enhance digital ID strategy for global leadership

The Open Identity Exchange (OIX) has recently put forward a call for the UK government to establish a robust, long-term strategy for digital ID, emphasising the urgent need to evolve current frameworks to keep up with global advancements.

This plea was encapsulated in a letter to the Secretary of State, stressing significant reforms necessary within the UK Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework (DIATF) to position the UK as a leader in digital trust and interoperability.

Key among the requested changes is the development of a digital wallet strategy that aligns with the rapid adoption and emerging applications of digital IDs worldwide. This strategic shift is crucial as it would enable smoother transactions and identity verifications across a myriad of platforms and borders, essentially streamlining both national and international commerce.

Moreover, OIX has highlighted the importance of delineating the roles of public and private sectors in the digital ID landscape. The organisation advocates for a model where the government supports and regulates without overshadowing the innovations and services offered by the private sector. This balance is pivotal to fostering a competitive yet cooperative environment that benefits all stakeholders.

A further significant area of focus is on cross-border interoperability. OIX believes that by leading in this arena, the UK can enhance its global influence, attract international partnerships, and foster stronger trade relations, thereby cementing its position at the forefront of technological advancement. The call for action is backed by OIX’s vision that digital ID is not just a technological tool but a foundational component for a global digital infrastructure, vital for economic and social integration in the digital age.

OIX Identity Development Director Gareth Narinesingh emphasized the potential of digital IDs, stating, “Digital ID can unlock significant value for individuals, businesses and the UK economy.

“Over time, it will become the core component of a critical global digital infrastructure. If the UK wants to enhance its global influence, attract international partnerships and foster trade relations, it needs a clear, long-term plan for digital ID. While the UK Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework (DIATF) is a solid start, it needs to evolve, and quickly.”

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