
Embracing AI for enhanced regulatory compliance in FinTech

The landscape of regulatory reporting within the financial services industry is witnessing rapid transformations.

How CDI can transform bank efficiency by 59% in five years

In the ever-evolving landscape of FinTech, banks are constantly seeking ways to enhance their operational efficiencies, particularly in the realm of corporate client onboarding.

UK bolsters financial stability with new third-party oversight rules

UK financial regulators have introduced new rules aimed at increasing the resilience of technology and other third-party services crucial to the financial sector.
Metro Bank

Metro Bank fined £16.7m over transaction monitoring lapses

Metro Bank has been fined £16.7m by the FCA for significant failures in its systems and controls.

Snyk strengthens developer security platform through Probely purchase

Snyk has acquired Probely, a cutting-edge Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) provider from Porto, Portugal.

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